Donald Trump is President, and I am a Public School Teacher
By: Aaron Baker
Originally published on his blog here
(In my classroom, I rarely speak his name, so forgive me for repeating it here.)
Donald Trump is president, and I am a public school teacher.
Let that sink in for a moment…
Now, allow me to explain.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that ridiculing people with disabilities is a sign of poor character.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that you can’t be a “good person” and a white supremacist.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my male students that they should never touch a woman anywhere without permission.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that the phrase “law and order” is steeped in systemic racism.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that the U.S. government should not be run like a business.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that refugees should be welcomed in this country.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that black lives matter.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that babies carried across borders are not criminals.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that transgender people should be able to choose their bathroom and their branch of military service.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that it is their constitutional right to protest the nation’s anthem, pledge, flag, and political leaders.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that Andrew Jackson was a murderous racist.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that concentrated wealth multiplies poverty.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that most of the time, when people kill people, they use guns.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that the greatest nuclear threat the world has ever seen is the United States of America.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that education is about building bridges, not walls.
Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students the benefits and drawbacks of a capitalist economy.
Donald Trump is president, and I am a proud liberal progressive public school teacher.
“If this be treason, make the most of it!”
Aaron Baker
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