Behind closed doors and out of the light
Gates & the governors figured no one would fight
Gates & the governors figured no one would fight
The meek and the mild would do as they’re told
Never knowing their child was bartered & sold
Never knowing their child was bartered & sold
They laid their groundwork for taking control
As politicians took money in trade for their soul
As politicians took money in trade for their soul
Building a database to mine and command
Tying it completely across the “free” land
Tying it completely across the “free” land
Education for profit “It’s the new Gold Rush.”
Pushed by Obama and started by Bush
Pushed by Obama and started by Bush
No Child Left Behind - “Whoops we missed a few!”
Race To The Top - “Look at the hoops we can make them jump through!”
Race To The Top - “Look at the hoops we can make them jump through!”
We’ll keep them spinning as we change the laws
Push it though fast to conceal any flaws
No problematic Constitution to derail OUR cause
Push it though fast to conceal any flaws
No problematic Constitution to derail OUR cause
Stick to the Core! Follow the rules!
PARCC their minds! They’re nothing but tools.
PARCC their minds! They’re nothing but tools.
Sweet trusting parents, what little fools
We’ll take over their children while they sit there and drool
We’ll take over their children while they sit there and drool
We’ll probe their psyche and emotional gears
Selling their secrets their dreams and their fears
Selling their secrets their dreams and their fears
Causing anxiety, stress and tears
While tracking their data through all of their years
While tracking their data through all of their years
The power over all, so glorious to behold
One day every minion will do as they’re told
One day every minion will do as they’re told
We’ll decide who they are and how they should act
Teach them “Our Truths” and to not worry about facts
Teach them to fear so they’ll never talk back
Teach them “Our Truths” and to not worry about facts
Teach them to fear so they’ll never talk back
From cradle to grave the invasion complete
The next generation so easy to keep
When taught and molded into mindless sheep
The next generation so easy to keep
When taught and molded into mindless sheep
There’s one little item on which they forgot to reflect
While pushing their agenda and hedging their bets
While pushing their agenda and hedging their bets
When you threaten our children be certain of this
You’ll come upon parents who are raising their fists
You’ll come upon parents who are raising their fists
Our number though small grows larger each day
As we reach out to others and show them the way
As we reach out to others and show them the way
We have the power, WE have the say
Now take your agenda and just go away
Now take your agenda and just go away
One more thing they failed to see
There are still those who know what it means to be free
There are still those who know what it means to be free
~~Kimberly Santora Mendes
Originally posted on Opt Out NJ - Choose2Refuse
Originally posted on Opt Out NJ - Choose2Refuse
Your poem made me feel the evil of corporate ed. reform! I'm serious - I really felt so creepy when I read it. I reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe or The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. I would love to see this poem performed at the BATs Congress in July. I can even hear the sound effects - eerie wind blowing, birds screeching, etc. Really excellent writing. Are you a writing teacher?