--Call for National Teachers Congress--
--Halt to Destructive and Discriminatory Education Policies--
July 31, 2014,
Washington, D.C.--U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan met with the Badass
Teachers Association (BATs), a burgeoning grassroots organization, to gain an
understanding of the concerns of the 50,000+ member group which has been highly
critical of the Secretary’s policies. The BATs had been protesting outside the
Department of Education (DOE) building on July 28, and met with the Secretary
during a post-rally meeting which BATs had scheduled with senior staff in the
DOE's Civil Rights department that same afternoon.
BATs articulated
numerous concerns about Race to the Top policies. In addition to criticisms,
they also suggested a way forward. Dr. Yohuru Williams, an author, historian
and education activist from Connecticut, suggested the Secretary convene a
“National Teachers Congress” to invite a frank discussion about policy
concerns. DOE staffers promised to give the idea serious consideration.
BATs Co-Founder Mark
Naison sounded the alarm on civil rights. Naison, a professor of African American
Studies and History at Fordham University, said, “These policies, promoted with
Civil Rights rhetoric, are riding roughshod over the civil rights of residents
of inner city communities. School closings, privately run charter schools,
chasing away teachers of color—all of these things are destroying our public
schools, and they need to stop.”
When Secretary Duncan
surprised BATs by joining the meeting, he asked specifically about BATs’
concerns about policies regarding special needs students. BATs General Manager
Marla Kilfoyle responded.
“I told the Secretary
what I know as a teacher and a mother of a special needs student,” said
Kilfoyle. “The policies push schools to expose special needs students to
abusive levels of testing, and force school districts to disregard individual
student IEP’s,” Kilfoyle said. (IEPs are Individualized Education Plans which
are required by law to help ensure special needs students gain greater access
to curriculum).
Officials at the
meeting seemed baffled by the intensity of anger teachers across the country
have directed at the DOE. BATs explained that the Secretary fueled teacher
mistrust by making statements showing disrespect for teachers from his support
of the firings of Central Falls, Rhode Island teachers in
2009, to his comments
on Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans public schools, from his support of
Cathy Black for NYC school chancellor to his recent endorsement of the Vergara
decision undermining teacher due process in California.
“If provocative
comments like these stop,” Naison said, “maybe teachers will regard the
Department more favorably.”
When DOE officials
insisted that school closings, charter school preferences, and the use of test
scores to rate teachers and schools were not the sources of problems, Chicago
parent activist Shoneice Reynolds and her 10-year-old son Asean Johnson
described in depth how Chicago community schools were first starved, then
closed, and replaced with privately run charter schools which were often
limited in their programming and sometimes abusive in their discipline
policies. They explained that the result
was stifling parent voices, depriving children of great neighborhood
schools, and making Chicago neighborhoods more dangerous. Reynolds and Johnson
have been outspoken in their criticism of Mayor Rahm Emanuel's implementation
of DOE policies.
At the meeting, NEA
BAT Caucus Liason Larry Proffitt, a middle school teacher, described how rating
teachers on the basis of test scores was driving the best teachers out of the
profession in almost every school district in his state of Tennessee and was
severely constricting the curriculum.
DOE officials
including Secretary Duncan and James Kim, of the Office of Civil Rights,
promised future meetings with the BATs.
The rally earlier in
the day drew over 500 teachers, parents, and education activists from 38
states. It marked the one-year anniversary of BATs, which started as a Facebook
group that attracted 20,000 members within two weeks. A list of ten demands
included ending Common Core State Standards.
“We spoke truth to
power, without fear and without compromise,” Naison concluded. “We intend to
continue doing just that. Whether they will listen, only time will tell.”
information is available at and Spokespersons are available
in every state and may be reached by emailing Marla Kilfoyle or Melissa
Tomlinson at
Press Release written by CA BAT Karen Wolfe
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Nicely done. Now lets see what happens when SOS and BATS and UOO combine with PAA to do this!
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Parents Across America web site, they also held their conference in DC at the same time, from July 28 - 30th. Did the BATS and PAA came together to strategize?