Originally posted at: https://opinion8ed2.wordpress.com
Just wanted to let you know I received your email in which you say, “Dear Paul, Today, I voted NO on the final version of the GOP Tax Plan. “
Thanks for the heads up and as long as we are on a first name basis, I’d like to say: Lee, while I appreciate that you opposed the provisions of the GOP Tax reform bill that are particularly onerous for middle class folks and especially Long Islanders, with all due respect your opposition does not absolve you of responsibility.

It was your GOP colleagues who forced it through Congress without so much as a single hearing or debate to study the dire consequences. Your party didn’t like the ACA but the Dems held months of hearings and incorporated scores of GOP amendments, i.e., unlike the current majority party, they respected the democratic process. Not only has your party lost touch with the needs and desires of its constituents, it has trampled the time worn protocols and procedures inherent in democracy.

You say, “On balance, this bill remains a geographic redistribution of wealth, taking extra money from a place like New York to pay for deeper tax cuts elsewhere. New York is a net contributor that now will be contributing even more. This bill chooses winners and losers in a way that could have and should have been avoided.”
I couldn’t agree more but other than your impotent Nay when the roll was called what did you do to prevent this assault on your constituents perpetrated by your colleagues? How will you explain the “good parts of the bill” to those of us who will lose their health coverage or struggle to make ends meet in face of a net tax increase?
Every time I see POTUS gloating about this terrific “victory” I will recall your photo ops in the White House together with your close buddy. I’ll remember you eagerly accepting the help of Steve Bannon, his former chief advisor and white supremacist at your recent fund raiser.
This is your gang and you are complicit in their actions. We will not forget.

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