I Was Fired Today!
By Michelle Strater Gunderson, Chicago Teacher
Our school system is falling apart, and what solution do
Rahm Emanuel and his appointed school CEO, Forrest Claypool have? Firing us for
four days.

I love my job dearly. I actually live and breathe teaching.
For several years I have taught the inclusion classroom for
our first grade team. This means that children with special needs and general
education students are taught in the same classroom with the variety of
specialists and supports needed for everyone to learn. In room 114 at
Nettelhorst we work with one special education co-teacher, 3 teaching
assistants, a speech therapist, and an occupational therapist. We have
additional help from our school psychologist and social worker. This is a huge
team of people, but it is required to make sure that everyone learns.
So what do we do on these days of professional development,
like the one that we are losing today? We plan, we talk, we envision the work
our students can and should be doing. These days are necessary for establishing
the working platform that guides the lives of children. Losing these days is no
small matter. It hurts us all.
Taking away this day and the pay that accompanies this work
is wrong. There are those who would argue that teachers are professional
salaried employees and should do whatever it takes to do our job. There will be
others who say that schools should run like businesses. I know of no business
venture that survives and flourishes on the amount of free labor our school
system depends on from its teachers.
We all grade papers in the evenings, create lesson plans on
the weekends, and attend countless meetings. But there is certain work that
cannot be done unless given the time and space to work together. Without this
time, the furloughed planning time we lost today, we have now been asked to do
the impossible – create a learning environment dependent on the cooperation and
collaboration of almost a dozen people. My classroom is like a ballet, with the
people coming in and out of it to dance their part, and now we have had no time
for rehearsal.
I refuse to take this lying down. I will join with others
protesting the decision to furlough teachers on professional development days.
I will join my fellow workers in the city in refusing to upload grades and
lesson plans into the school system’s electronic platform. And as a trustee of
the Chicago Teachers Union I was one of the leaders who encouraged a no
confidence vote of Forrest Claypool.
My stance is personal. I ask you to join me. I was fired for
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