Power of Agreement
Josh Middleton, Ed.D.
watched Glenn Beck last night on Fox’s O’Reilly Factor as he spoke out against
Common Core. Honestly, when I saw he was
going to be a guest I started to cringe.
I have read a little bit about Beck and have seen him occasionally on
TV, and frankly I have found him “cringe worthy” because I am never quite sure
what is going to come out of his mouth, and there was a time when I thought he presented
himself in a superior and sarcastic manner….. sort of the Conservative’s
version of Bill Mahrer. Throughout the
interview with conservative host, Bill O’Reilly, I found myself in agreement
with Beck. I thought he accurately addressed
the concerns of Common Core in the short segment. What surprised me was O’Reilly’s apparent
lack of knowledge that Big Business is in bed with Common Core Advocates.
best remark made by Beck is something I have tried to express over the last
half-year. Common Core proponents state
these standards are “rigorous” and will help our country be competitive with
the rest of the world preparing students to be college and career ready by
embedding critical thinking skills. The
implication is that “we” (stakeholders who oppose Common Core) have been
derelict in challenging students, and if Common Core did not come along, we
would simply be asking rote type questions and not talking about opportunities that
lie ahead for students. Beck clearly
states how ridiculous (and I might add, insulting) this is. Who doesn’t want our country to be
successful? Who doesn’t want our
students to be lifelong learners? The
difference as he points out is the CCSS educational model deviates from what
has historically made the US unique from other countries. We should be proud of our local control, we
should continue to allow students to dream, be participants in meaningful
discussions and lose and find themselves in great fiction. We are not serving ALL students when we have
a one size fits all, high-stakes, factory fashioned system. And frankly, I have seen enough CCSS sample
homework and test questions that are nothing short of asinine!
accountability has become a dirty word.
I don’t think there is an educator, student, parent or board member who
believes there should not be expectations of excellence in our schools, and
certainly we need to be wise stewards of taxpayer money. I am simply tired of the “let’s get rid of
tenure” argument, the advocacy of Charter Schools, and the denial that schools
have to do and teach more with less.
Accountability has been the unfortunate buzzword to mean expensive
implementation of Common Core standards, the technology used to check how
students are doing, and the naïve belief that a new and exhaustive teacher
evaluation are going to turn public education around. It won’t.
I’ve stated many times before what the wise researcher Philip Schlechty
believes; you cannot change the system until you change the culture. When non-educators begin making structural
change without involving stakeholders and their culture, it will fail. Colleagues, Common Core and high stakes
testing will fail because of the rebellion by those who are in the classrooms,
school offices, board rooms, and concerned parent groups. We are not going to stand by this time and
have something done TO US instead of WITH US.
a large faction of the left is in agreement with a large faction of the
right: Common Core has to go. The Power of Agreement can go beyond that if
we take a step back and agree to some basic tenets. 1) All students can learn, but learning is a
function of time so we must be able to differentiate our instruction. 2) The
local community knows what is best for their schools and communities, but
decision making is being usurped by state and federal departments. That needs to stop. 3) We
need to provide opportunities for all students.
Charters draw funds and programs that should remain in the local public
schools. 4) We do need to measure academic progress of
our students, but with weeks on end of testing at the expense of instruction. I am biased toward NWEA MAP testing because
my district chose it for our own school improvement plans, not for the
state. Teachers received data that same
afternoon and could adjust their teaching plans accordingly. For my district, this was not a heavy-handed
administrative tool, but one used to support our students’ learning and
teachers’ instruction.
Lifelong learning for students is the goal.
Career and college will fall into place when learning is owned and
celebrated. 6) Every financial decision should
be based on students and student learning.
That means ensuring there is a safe and enriching work environment for students
and teachers, and one that welcomes parents to partner where desired and
The best school improvement plans are developed at the local level. Instead of state mandated templates, find
schools of excellence and if one school is struggling, invest in the
professional development to learn from peer schools. 8) If
technology purchases are being made primarily for test administration –
STOP. That is not technology
integration. Our labs and devices can be
and should be used to support and enhance a classroom lessons. 9) The Department of Education should be
eliminated. Okay, I probably won’t get
consensus on this, but they need to stop this nationalized education movement
and provide federal funding with broad guidelines for its use. Special Ed funding (besides needing to be
fully funded) would continue to serve that population, but I fondly recall when
Chapter 2/Title 2 Funds could be used in ways that aligned with local
needs. Bottom line is, US DoE needs to
immediately stop micromanaging. This
includes President Obama and Common Core proponents running for President in
Public education as we know it should
be is attainable. It was not that long
ago when there was less state and federal intervention. But for now we may need to develop some
strange and unexpected alliances to get us there.
is a former teacher, administrator, and superintendent. He now retired in Arizona working part-time
as an adjunct professor. He is very
proud to be associated with the growing group of BATs!
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