By: Dr. Yohuru Williams

Compassion: While it might seems odd, at first blush to have
to remind the so-called Education Reformers of this fact: Teaching is a
humanistic enterprise. It begins with basic human compassion. The synonyms for
compassion highlight the teacher’s primary motivation, concern, empathy,
sympathy, kind-heartedness. All are necessary for success in the classroom.
Even the most hardnosed teachers, who practice tough love, at their core
evidence many, if not all of these qualities in some way. For teachers, every
student is unique—which is why we reject the one size fits all approach imposed
by the Common Core. We believe that students deserve better than that. They
deserve to be treated like individuals and not test scores. We reject the
notion that our schools must become boot camps or armed fortresses for students
to learn. Classroom experience, which most so-called Education reformers lack,
tells us that. The failures of both No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top
have been rooted in their lack of compassion. We cannot level the playing field
by ignoring the mountains of research and evidence that point to the
effectiveness of humanistic differentiated instruction over the cold and
compassionless dehumanizing data of test scores. How many hopes and dreams have
been crushed in the pursuit of hollow test scores that barely complete the
portrait of today’s learners? Brimming with energy and with abundant technology
at their disposal, they have nevertheless been stifled by education policies
that deny them the opportunity to explore new heights in those pursuits that
privilege individuals and human concern, the very essence of American
enterprise and democracy. The Teacher’s Common Core knows this. It is why
teachers across disciplines have fought for smaller class sizes, afterschool
programs, science camps, technical and vocational education along with vigorous
support for music, and the arts. We know and understand that this is, for many
students where inspiration lifelong passions are born. Testing can never
replicate this.
Opportunity-The Teacher’s Common Core encourages
opportunity. Over the course of our nation’s history, teachers have been at the
forefront of the democratization of education. Some of our greatest triumphs as
a society have been born in classrooms. One of the key components of Voter
Education drives during the Civil Rights Movement, for example, was the
creation of freedom schools to help those denied an education acquire the tools
of basic literacy so that they might fully participate in the democratic
process. Coming from different districts of varying size and wealth, teachers
share a basic commitment to the idea that every student has the right to an
education that allows them to pursue a range of opportunities beyond those we
are told constitute the new demands of corporate America. Schools continue to
employ a number of important functions, the least not of which is helping
students understand their role in a participatory democracy. While teachers
appreciate the need to help educate students to enter a changing job market—one
of the greatest tragedies of the battle over corporate education reform up
until this point has been the way in which the so-called Education Reformers
have run roughshod over the democratic process. Teachers collectively recognize
the need for students to understand that part of what drives education is
learning how to become caretakers of the democratic process and preserve it for
future generations. That begins with recognizing and pursuing opportunities to
shape public policy based on their needs and interests and holding those who
restrict or deny the same accountable.
Respect- It seems rather obvious but teaching and the
Teacher’s Common Core begins with respect. Respect for the students, the parents,
the administrators, and the teachers who must work collectively to create
education models that empower our youth. This delicate balance is compromised
whenever we allow any one of these important stakeholders to be devalued. For
years, over the imposition of top down education reform, teachers have fought
for a more holistic approach to education that involves working to incorporate
not only these voices but also others in the discussion. From the civics
teacher that shuttles his students off for a trip to city hall, to the science
teacher who teaches students through involvement with urban gardening, to the
economics teacher who promotes Junior Achievement—teachers understand that it
takes a village. Respect, unfortunately has not been a two way street as of
late. The Corporate Education Reforms have done a bang up job undercutting
teaching as both a calling and a profession. They have also undermined students
and parents—in ways that have been equally appalling. The Teacher’s Common Core
posits that an educational system built on anything other than respect and
human dignity is doomed to failure by denying it constituents not only a voice
but a recognized place at the table in fashioning future instructional
standards and policies reflective of the students, parents and professionals
who know best.
Engagement- Teachers have long held that students must be
engaged to apply what they have learned in a way that is useful to themselves
and the larger community. In the age before Common Core, this type of
engagement was increasingly common. A few years back, for instance, I had the
wonderful opportunity to work with Social Studies teachers engaged in helping students
hone their writing skills by corresponding with soldiers in Iraq on fundamental
questions of democracy and service. I also had the honor to work with a
Maryland music teacher using music composition and history to reach bipolar
students. In 2012, I worked with an amazing group of New York teachers and
students on a project that sought to get students to think about and engage
with the great civil rights issues of their day including stop and frisk. One
of the most significant critiques of the Common Core is that it robs teachers these
types of opportunities. Teachers simply do not have the time to engage students
or create such interactions when all value is placed on test scores. From New
York to Alaska, there are abundant examples of these types of projects that I
would submit have made students far more college ready than any test. For in
the end what they measure is not simply testing taking ability but the essence
of the Teacher’s Common Core—including the ability of students to show care and
compassion in their work, recognize and pursue opportunities that benefit
themselves and others, respect the people and spaces in which they work and
engage with the larger community. This is why in addition to standardized test
scores, college, and university admissions offices still require students to
submit teacher recommendations. They recognize what Education Reformers seem
hopelessly unable to see—the measure of a student’s ability and a life extends
beyond testing. In the immortal words of Jackie Robinson, who often credited one
of his coaches’ turned counselor with helping to keep him on the right path “A
life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” That is the
Teacher’s Common Core.
Its tough job to be a teacher these days you need to be updated with all the latest topic because students getting smarter and smarter day by day
"Students getting smarter and smarter day by day"
ReplyDeleteSome of them are but too many in the U.S. are just getting Dumb and Dumber thanks the Common Core standardized testing and its Bill Gates supported and funded rank and yank agenda to get rid of teachers and close the public schools.