An Economic Argument for Public Education in the Public Interest
Public Education exists for the good of public interest. Teachers are the first line of defense in
protection of the public interest and advocacy for the middle class and
poor. The economic systems that protect
the public interest and secure democracy are currently under attack by the
corporate takeover of public education.
This argument discusses the essence of the economic need to protect our
public schools which protect the public.
The United States was the first country in the world to express "Monetary Sovereignty" in its constitution. In our constitution congress was given the power to initiate "credit" and "money" to conduct the countries business. Alexander Hamilton established this theme in his First Report On Public Credit. He followed up with his Second Report on Public Credit and later his report on manufacturers. Democracy, according to Hamilton, was the power of elected citizens to create credit and not private central bankers. This is the policy that echoes in the Presidencies of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln (Greenback), Eisenhower (NASA and The National Highway Act) and of course FDR and JFK. Most of the major public projects in the United States could be funded by debt free credit, for example JFK's E.O. 11110 could be used to finance major projects.

Since Nixon destroyed the United States Notes policy, America has been on a net decline in
infrastructure spending per capita, middle class salary per capita, and we have
seen our debt balloon mostly because we are no longer able to pay our sovereign
debts with debt free currency. The "solution" in having a monetary
democracy is rooted in our founding fathers and our constitution. Unfortunately
the European Monetary Oligarchy has upset the balance of sovereign vs. non sovereign
hence the trouble we are in now. Interestingly enough the last President to
call for a "New Bretton Woods" cooperative economic system was Bill
Clinton in his speech to the Council on Foreign Relations.
Public Credit is a necessity
for a functioning society. For example Roads, Bridges, Public Transportation,
SCHOOLS, and hospitals enable societies to function. These economic building
blocks create the conditions for a successful and prosperous society. With most
of these being privatized, we are destroying society as a whole. The issue is
that America was created with its own economic system called The American
System of Economics. This system is a hybrid of Socialism and Market
Capitalism. The fundamental issue is that our Economic System was taken away
from us in 1963.
John F. Kennedy was the biggest
advocate for Public Credit in modern history. NAWAPA was a huge water project
with Canada, approved by Kennedy, but abandoned after his death. NASA and the
moon mission created Laser Technology. Privatization destroys society because
by definition there is no longer a question of "The Public Interest".
Therefore, the concept of all players being at the table goes away. Is this why
Bill Gates so easily bought off the AFT and NEA via Common Core?
Teachers historically are the
building blocks of society and "The Public Interest." An attack on
teachers is by definition an attack on the Public Interest. Gates and the media
give a false symbolic narrative. All of the benefits of productivity including
"teaching" go to the top 1%. What we Badass teachers want is the
"benefits of labor, hard work and productivity to go to the poor and
middle class in the PUBLIC INTEREST. Gates is saying the benefits of
productivity "meaning public education" should go to the 1%, which
means he has to "buy" public education. The elite are good at using language
to manipulate the narrative. This isn't
about welfare or victimization it is about what, not who, defines the public
interest. Bill Gates DOES NOT define the Public Interest. Public School
Teachers do, which is why Common Core must go.
School district policies
need to protect the public interest and need to be directed toward creating a
school environment in kindergarten, and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, that are
free from discriminatory attitudes and practices. The top down forced Common Core standards and
Corporate Education reform deny the public of public education vested in the
public interest, they are indeed discriminatory because they deny labor, hard
work, and productivity to go to the poor and middle class. Common Core are not standards that impress
moral and civic education to include human relations education, with the aim of
fostering an appreciation of the diversity of this nation. The Common Core Standards do not promote
understanding, awareness, and appreciation of the contributions of people with diverse
backgrounds and of harmonious relations in a diverse society. Common Core does
not allow each teacher to endeavor to impress upon the minds of their students the
principles of morality, truth, justice, patriotism, and a true comprehension of
the rights, duties, and dignity of American citizenship, and the meaning of
equality and human dignity, including the promotion of harmonious relations,
kindness toward others, the humane treatment of living creatures, and to
instruct them in manners and morals and the principles of a free government. Common
Core does not allow each teacher to encourage, create and foster an environment
where students can realize their full potential.
Our children are not for sale, they are not
products. It is the job of every teacher and parent in this nation to rise up to protect the
Public Interest. This is what we have
been charged to do since the signing of our Constitution. Common Core, which has been sold to the
American Education system, is not in the best interest of the public, it is not
about children and equity, it will not magically lift children out of poverty, it is about the destruction of our public
education system for profit. Public
education protects the public interest, which in turn creates a strong democratic
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