By: Jamy Brice Hyde and Marla Kilfoyle

On April 17th Blogger
Peter Goodman wrote a piece where he called the new New York State evaluation
system a significant improvement.
We disagree!
This is not better and to even entertain that anything
remotely associated with 2015 Education legislation in NYS to be couched as an
improvement is to neglect the facts.
The new plan has removed any control we had to locally and
collectively bargain on behalf of our members APPR. This MATRIX sets up
teachers of special needs or poverty stricken schools with poor test takers for
a two to three year exit from our profession with a 3020a/3020b that is
mandated by the state! Even if a district would like to keep a teacher they are
not given local control over personnel issues. Unions have even lost the
ability to fight for them.
This Matrix will destroy the joy of learning creativity and
innovation in our classrooms. Frankly most teachers will teach to the test in
order to reach retirement.
The reports of the contents of the ELA exams last week
provide evidence that the tests are designed for massive failures. For example, a 6th grader is expected to read a 1415 on the
Kincaid scale! We must ask what are we measuring? We are measuring nothing of
value for the children except creating enormous anxiety among children and
preparing for the mass exodus of teachers from the profession, specifically our
veteran teachers.
Parents have been
provoked to massively opt out their children from these tests due to the
apparent insanity of current public education policy. Social Workers are
reporting that their largest growing demographic is elementary school age kids
with anxiety issues. Teachers are humbled by the number of parents that opted
their children out of testing in support of locally controlled classrooms that
are run by their highly qualified teachers.
The toxicity of
education policy in NYS is systemic. WE cannot entertain anyone that refers to
an improvement here in NYS. That dialogue belongs nowhere near the abhorrent
policy being pushed upon public
education in NY. This is creating a system to privatize education and DESTROY
our unions. On first “blush” this policy made teachers convulse, on second read
it made many ill on the third read it made teachers very angry and mobilized
them to fight harder against these reforms.
Don’t give props to
anything that tries to sanitize one of the most toxic education policies in the
country - the Cuomo Education Transformation Act of 2015.
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