
Wednesday, June 27, 2018


June 27, 2018

The Supreme Court's decision in the Janus vs AFSCME case has overturned a rule that is a blow to an educator's ability to effectively advocate for what is best for all students in this country.

We believe that this decision will lead to turmoil throughout the United States and within education, hindering professionalism from kindergarten through University. We believe it will now become easier to dismiss educators without cause because this decision defiles that hard-fought collective bargaining rights of a female-dominated profession. The motivation of the Janus case, funded by billionaires is to limit the scope of education unions to support their members, all to increase their own financial gains.

The Badass Teachers Association resolves to fight back by encouraging every educator to remain solid and active as union members, spreading the word throughout social media and in our communities that support for educator unions should go beyond paying dues. We are resolved to fight back against the anti-labor, anti-union forces that seek to exploit our profession.

 "Not only is this a blow to unions, it is a direct attack on the working class people in our country. Our history is rich with union battles and campaigns that gave us protections in the workplace that helped establish a standard of human rights for our society. Today's decision does nothing but widen the divide between the oligarchy and the people." ~ Melissa Tomlinson, Assistant Exective Director, BATs.

"It is a pity our courts uphold the bogus idea that corporations are people but workers are not. They have repeatedly issued tone deaf rulings to increase the power of big business while diminishing the voice of everyone else. The Janus decision is just the logical continuation of that trend. Our unions will continue to function even though the Supreme Court has worked to sabotage them. Workers will stay united and fight for our rights. Our power remains as it always has - in unity." ~ Steven Singer, Co-Director of BATs Research and Blogging Committee.

This attack on unions and the working class cannot be ignored but met with a renewal of true union values.

"This court case was an attack on the working people in America in an attempt to legitimize the imposition of a social system where the privileged and the powerful will practically hold absolute control over labor. In matters of public education, this court decision will indeed legitimize the powerful and privileged ruling over every educator entering the labor market. At this time, every leader of every education association must become a true unionist, invoke and be proud of their unions, their principles and their accomplishments; work resolutely to educate, promote, and strengthen the culture of unionism among all members. This time, the outcome of the decision affects millions of workers not only on how to negotiate salaries, benefits, or working conditions; this time, the decision gives value to the neoliberal vision of a society. Saving our unions is a must." ~ Sergio Flores, BATs Board of Directors.

"We face a continuing professionalization of women and men who have committed their lives to the education of our future, embedding anti-unionism and fear more deeply in order to undermine public education. Janus validates that "one percenters" want to silence opposition to their quest for financial gain by stopping union participation by all means possible. Jim Crow will have a new name, injustice will be raised higher than ever, and sly tricks will replace transparency as the way public policy is engaged." ~ Sue Goncarovs, Co-Director of BATs Meme Team.

We believe our members will continue to be an integral part of our unions as active and engaged organizers. We encourage all educators to continue to value their membership in order to protect their educator voice. 

 Sign the pledge: I am sticking with my union!

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