
Monday, September 4, 2017

Dear Teachers, Don’t Be Good Soldiers for the EdTech Industry by Steven Singer

Originally posted at:

Dear fellow teachers,
Thank you for coming to this meeting on such short notice.
I know you have plenty more important matters to attend to this morning. I, myself, left a pile of ungraded papers on my desk so I could get here. Not to mention I urgently need to fix my seating charts now that I’ve finally met my students and know who can sit with whom. And I’ve got to track down phone numbers for my kids’ parents and go through a  mountain of Individual Education Plans, and… Well, I just want you to know that I get it.
There are a lot of seemingly more pressing concerns than listening to a teacher-blogger jabber about the intersection of politics and our profession.
Is that all of us? Okay, would someone please close the door?
Good. No administrators in here, right? Just classroom teachers? Excellent.
Let’s speak openly. There’s something very important we need to talk about.
There is a force out there that’s working to destroy our profession.
Yes, ANOTHER one!
We’ve got lawmakers beholden to the corporate education reform industry on the right and media pundits spewing Wall Street propaganda on the left. The last thing we need is yet another group dedicated to tearing down our public schools.
But there is. And it is us.
You heard me right.
It’s us.
There is an entire parasitic industry making billions of dollars selling us things we don’t need – standardized testsCommon Core workbook drivel, software test prep THIS, and computer test crap THAT.
We didn’t decide to use it. We didn’t buy it. But who is it who actually introduces most of this garbage in the classroom?
That’s right. US.
We do it. Often willingly.
We need to stop.
And before someone calls me a luddite, let me explain. I’m not saying technology is bad. It’s a tool like anything else. There are plenty of ways to use it to advance student learning. But the things we’re being asked to do… You know in your heart that they aren’t in the best interests of children.
I know. Some of you have no choice. You live in a state or district where teacher autonomy is a pathetic joke. There are ways to fight that, but they’re probably not in the classroom.
It’s not you who I’m talking to. I’m addressing everyone else. I’m talking to all the teachers out there who DO have some modicum of control over their own classrooms and who are told by their administrators to do things that they honestly disagree with – but they do it anyway.
We’ve got to stop doing it.
Corporations want to replace us with software packages. They want to create a world where kids sit in front of computers or iPads or some other devices for hours at a time doing endless test prep. You know it’s true because your administrator probably is telling you to proctor such rubbish in your own classroom so many hours a week. I know MINE is.
Listen, there are several reasons why we should refuse.
First, there’s simple job security. If your principal brought in a Teach for America temp and told you this lightly trained fresh from college kid was going to take over your classes, would you really sit down and instruct her how to do your job!?
I wouldn’t.
That’s the entire point behind this tech industry garbage. You are piloting a program that means your own redundancy.
You are engaged in an effort to prove that they don’t need a fully trained, experienced, 4-year degree professional to do this job. They just need a glorified WalMart greeter to watch the kids as they push buttons and stare at a screen. They just need a minimum wage drone to take up space while the children bask in the warm glow of the program, while it maps their eye movements, catalogues how long it takes them to answer, records their commercial preferences and sells all this data to other companies so they can better market products – educational and otherwise – back to these kids, their school and their parents.
This isn’t about improving educational outcomes. It’s about bringing the cost down and pocketing the savings as profit.
It’s about replacing the end-of-the-year standardized test with daily mini stealth assessments that are just as high stakes and just as effective at providing an excuse for the state or the feds to swoop in and steal control, disband the school board and give the whole shebang to the charter school operator who gives them the most generous campaign donations.
Do NOT be a good soldier here. Do not just follow orders. Doing so is weakening our entire profession. It is putting our jobs in jeopardy. And it’s about time our national teachers unions figured this out instead of conceding the point so their leaders can keep a seat at the table. Someone needs to tell them they shouldn’t be sitting inside the building. They should be with us, outside surrounding it with signs and pitchforks.
The EdTech shell game is not about improving student learning. It’s a commercial coup, not a progressive renaissance.
Think about it.
They call this trash “personalized learning.” How can it really be personalized if kids do the same exercises just at different rates? How is it personalized if it’s standardized? How is it personalized if it omits the presence of actual people in the education process?
It’s teach-by-numbers, correspondence school guano with graphics and a high speed Internet connection.
But we give in. We don’t want to rock the boat. We’re rule followers, most of us. We do what we’re told.
Most teachers were good students, and obedience is too often a defining quality of those who succeed in our education system.
I get it. You don’t want to be a fly in the ointment. You don’t want to make yourself a target.
Me, too.
How dearly I would love to be able to just comply. But I can’t simply go along with something I know in my heart to be wrong. And this is wrong on so many levels.
I sat through a meeting much like this one earlier this year where I was told exactly which programs to force on my students. All the while good teachers whom I respect went through the motions as if nothing was wrong. They talked about how to organize our classes in the system, how to assign test prep and how often, and how to access the data.
But we never discussed why.
We never discussed if doing so was a good idea. That was all taken for granted. It was a decision reserved for someone else, someone from a higher pay grade.
Yet classroom experience is rarely commensurate with salary scale especially once you cross the line into management. Nor is the experience of a handful of administrators equal to that of a plentitude of staff!
No. I’m sorry. At very least that is a discussion WE should be having.
It is the TEACHER’S job to determine what is educationally appropriate. Not the administrators. At most, the building principal should be part of that discussion in her role as lead teacher. But the resolution to go ahead or not should be made together as a staff.
And if an individual teacher thinks based on their own experience with their own students that they should go in a different direction, they should be respected enough as a professional to have the autonomy to do so.
Teachers have to abide by best practices, but test prep in any form is NOT a best practice.
It’s time we stood up en masse and made that clear.
We are our own worst enemy in this regard.
We are too submissive. Too meek.
We need to educate parents and the community about what’s happening. The classroom doors are too often closed to the public. The only information they get is from anemic administrators and a mass media that invariably just reports whatever propaganda the corporation puts on the press releases.
We are responsible for our students. We must protect them from the vultures out there trying to water down their educations and reduce the quality of their learning.
We are not the only ones who can take a stand. In fact, IF we are the only ones who do it, we will certainly fail.
But, along with parents, students and concerned citizens, we MUST be part of that resistance.
Because without us, there is no hope of success.
So we can no longer afford to be good soldiers in someone else’s army.
It’s time to have the courage of our convictions.
It’s time to rise up, walk hand-in-hand to the front of the staff meeting and tell our administrators:

Because if we don’t, no one else will.

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking this for quite some time. I received a grant of laptop computers in 2012, and I have been using them as a tool since then. I see technology only as a tool, nothing more, but I have seen a push by some to utilize too much online prep. I find that students need me as a teacher to develop the curriculum, present the material strategically, re-teach when necessary, tutor individually, etc. I know my students, and I can teach them where they are. It takes much effort and expertise, what an experienced and qualified teacher has.


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