
Sunday, January 22, 2017

BATs: Teacher Activist Calendar, The First 100 Days

A Teacher-Activist Calendar

100 Actions for the First Hundred Days

Many of these items take only a few minutes.  Some take a bit more, use the ideas either as as an idea bank or move them around to suit your schedule. Any time you schedule an activist date, such as a meeting or call, move that day’s activist suggestion.  Even if you miss a day or week, come back and pick something from the list. Share with Friends! Use Liberally!


1 January 20, 2017 - Breathe Deep and Youtube or watch Rev. William Barber’s video.  

2 January 21, 2017- Gather with friends or March with Women in Washington, or in a nearby city.  Or organize your own vigil/gathering/ cafe group to plan future actions and cheer one another.

3 January 22, 2017 - Set up my Activist Friends Contact list. Gather as many friends as possible who will walk with me on my activist journey. Put them on the refrigerator and over my desk, in my contacts list,  and create a Social Activism friends list for my social media,  and an e-mail list for my activism.

4 January 23, 2017  Gather my list of key legislators and Government contacts phone, e-mails and social media. Include my representatives, local, state, and national, and include key committees - Education & Appropriations. Post to Fridge (phones)  and sign up for newsletters from my representatives. Use the BAT actionnetwork link to write #DumpDeVos

5 January 24 - make my local contact list of People who control School issues - The District School Board members, District Governing Councils and Officials, Central Office Policy makers.  Put it in a handy place to make contact. Send or post a I love public schools meme or e-mail to counter the School Choice Week action from privatizers.

6 January 25 Look over my calendar/date book and look for places I can plug in activist actions (5-10 minute contacts, ½ hour a week, a monthly meeting, etc.) reserve time for protecting our schools. Share a BAT meme.

7 January 26 Scan my lesson units for the semester and look for places I can insert contemporary issues and critical thinking items (checking for bias in articles, definitions of truth words like accuracy, anti-bullying opportunities, etc.)  What lessons can be used to promote kindness, and mutual respect?

8 January 27 - Wear a BATs or other Pro-schools button to work to spark conversations. If I am not signed up yet, sign up for a Legislative lobby day with some group-- my Association or Union, PTA or other pro-public schools group. Identify any ALEC members in my state or district who are pushing negative school legislation. Share their numbers with as many BATs as possible.

9 January 28 - Contact  my Senators about final Confirmation of Cabinet members, particularly Betsy DeVos, and ask at least a few friends to do the same.

10 January 29 Repost a BAT meme about Our Public Schools to my non-teacher friends.

11 January 30 Check the status of my local School Budget - Where are the cuts or pinches going to be? How can I help?

12 January 31 Find 4-5 reliable news sources that I can trust to report on important issues to me. Notice where to find them for future reference.


13 February 1  Check the date for the State of the Union Address and enter it on my calendar.  Move Activist action for that day to another day.

14 February 2 Look at the BATs action calendar and note which actions you can easily do this month.  (Jot them ahead on this calendar and move any displaced items to a later date or drop)

15 February 3 Trump has been in Office 2 weeks! Check the status of Cabinet Confirmations and touch base as needed. Share an article with a friend about the latest confirmation issues.

16 February 4 Touch base with 1 or more friends on my Activist Friends list from day 1. Consider having a “Cafe Conversation”  of activist  friends this month.

17 February 5 Check back on websites of the local groups working Campaigns of 2018.  See if they have planned or are progressing.  I.D. if you can use some of your identified “Activist Time” to help.

18 February 6  Find out who your PTSA officers and committee Chairs are.  Send them a thank you e-mail or note and let them know you appreciate their work, and are part of a national group supporting public schools.

19 February 7 Invite your School Board Rep in to visit your class some time in the not too distant future.  Introduce him/her to your students.  -- Strictly for positive instructional opportunity.

20 February 8 Start a Public Schools News pin-up or drop spot in the Teacher Work-Room or Copy room.  Begin occasionally dropping blogs or news items there.

21 February 9  Week 3 ! Look at what I’ve already done! The contacts I’ve made, the outreach I’ve  done!  Take a look back at any one or two items it’s time to follow-up on or look for names and contact info of non-elected policymakers that influence Ed Policy, both appointed and long-term staff.

22 February 10 Check BATs National and my State BAT page for items that need attention.

23 February 11 Pick one or two BAT Buddies that I can go to meetings with or just debrief with.  

24 February 12 Check my School Board or Calendar for upcoming critical dates, budget or major policy changes.  Is anyone in your district proposing to make it a Sanctuary City/District? If not, look for allies who might.

25 February 13 What is the status of Cabinet Confirmations? If DeVos, (Sec. of Ed) has been confirmed, what is her or his policy plans?  Check the US Dept. of Ed website and make sure it is bookmarked on my computer.

26 February 14 Arrange response to Day 13 as needed. Contact at least one other person or BAT to share good vibes with.  Wear an I Love Public Schools button all day.

27 February 15 Look into free video conferencing service and propose a regular (can be weekly, monthly or bi-monthly) no more than 20 minute video conference call to BAT swarm together about local or state issues. Enjoy seeing fellow BATs!  

28 February 16  Start saving for BAT trip to Seattle this summer. Mark the dates on my calendar.

29 February 17  Look for State or local groups that are working 2018 mid-terms for choosing candidates and setting issues agendas, check them out.  Or form one.  Target especially those who are friends to public ed to support, and those who are anti-public ed to unseat.

30 February 18 Make sure I know who the major unelected policy maker is for Education in my state, and add that person to my activist lists.

31 February 19 Hooray! We’ve made it through the 1st Month! Hopefully, Policy makers are stunned and journalists are reporting on the massive growth in activism across the country as rank and file citizens mount an opposition to privatization of their schools, and destructive policies toward children and people.

32 February 20 Find a local on-line newspaper or other news source that has an article about Education, either write an op-ed response or post a comment to an article, supporting our schools. It can be short, but speak out!  

33 February 21 - We are officially through the first third of the Legendary First 100 Days.  With any luck we have held the line on destructive policies.  Check in with BATs and Activist Friends access our next steps and prioritize issues.

34 February 22 Reach out to someone in my community I would not normally make personal contact with- A colleague from a different department or team, a waiter or service person at a store or restaurant. Start building community within your own community in new and surprising places. (And keep doing it).

35 February 23  Check the status of any State or Local policy issues that will affect your schools.  Use your refrigerator lists to make necessary calls.

36 February 24 - Check actions status in US Department of Ed, or other Departments that will affect your students.  Share on social media any critical issues that need to be swarmed.

37 February 25 - Note Anti-school organizations that are being quoted in the media.  Contact the producer, author, or editor in chief of the story and report the unreliability of the quote used.  Request that they no longer use that think-tank, author, or outlet without noting its bias.

38 February 26 Check the BATs monthly action meme for February.  If any of the issues are still in play, follow up on them.

39 February 27 Trade posts with a BAT friend in a different state. Post one that lets your state members know pertinent issues in neighboring states.  Make sure you are on the BAT pages that are important to you-- The National Page, and your state page, plus any topic pages that interest you.  

40  February 28  Look for a place to speak for supporting the schools.  A town hall, a school board hearing or meeting, a listening tour-- any time or where will do.  Sign-up and put the appointment in your calendar.


41 March 1  Share something positive you’ve done to support schools with your administrator.  Include it in your “professionalism” standard of your ongoing evaluation data.

42 March 2 - Read a research blog on education-- choose from the archives of Diane Ravitch, Anthony Cody, the BAT blog, or other favorite. Share any new factlet you discover.

43 March 3 Free Day-- Unless there’s an emergency Swarm. Breath deep, enjoy a politics free day with some personal care (trade this get out free card with any other day you need it more.)

44 March 4 - Check the March BATs calendar.  Put the actions in your calendar.

45 March 5 - Network with a non-education activist on another issue of concern to you.  You don’t have to volunteer or join something, just find a fellow activist working another issue to connect with.  

46 March 6 Ask yourself what would happen to your family and community if you were not participating in activism, and what are the most effective things you can do to make sure your family and community are protected from extremist policies.

47 March 7 Take cookies to your administrators.  They are trapped in a double bind that is soul stealing, and whether they are striking down or fighting back, they will appreciate your kindness.

48 March 8 When did you last use your Refrigerator Lists?  Check what each of them are doing, and make sure you’ve registered your views on the current issues.

49 March 9  Cheerlead an activist friend. Let them know you appreciate what they do.

50 March 10  Check the BAT Meme catalog and pull one to post or tweet to FB or Instagram.

51 March 11  Give a pro-public schools book or article to a friend who is interested but not yet informed.

52 March 12  How are minorities populations surviving the new administration.  Are your students feeling safe? Run a “How psychologically and physically safe does my classroom feel for the outlier students?” check.  Adjust to help any that might be uncomfortable.

53 March 13 We are coming into review and tests season.  Network with people in your building and district who are concerned about the impact of testing on students.  Touch base with your opt-out contacts.  Strategize.

54 March 14 Schedule a local or state BATs video Conference call to update and touch base.

55 March 15 Are you aware of who is running for state or local offices, can you do something to influence who is selected or how early campaigning goes? Find someone who is pro-schools or try and educate a candidate who might be persuaded to help.

56 March 16 Have you done your BAT actions this month? Check and see if any need follow-up.

57 March 17  We are moving toward testing season (if you are not already there) Look for ways to review or prep that are actually beneficial to the kids rather than just test prep, games, fun, memorable.  

58 March 18  Again, as we move into and through testing season try to let admins know that if they chose to confront the damage testing does, you would support them in their activism.

59 March 20 Check the news for what changes have been coming from USDOE or federal issues. How can you counter any that are destructive? Adjust your calendar tasks to fit those in.

60 March 21  - Can it have only been two months? So much has happened.

61 March 22  Are you a lurker? If you don’t usually post or follow up on social media actions, as yourself why, and try your hand at one or two actions.

62 March 23 Do you Tweet? Instagram? Snap Chat? Learn a new social media venue and use it to reach a new group of friends in the Resistance.

63 March 24  It’s a Friday, how are you doing? Check Teaching Tolerance or another Social Activism source for cool activities that can hold your class together in the face of current conditions.

64 March 25 - ⅔ Through the 100 days.  Time to step up our game and really put the pressure on for this last 33!  Know you have the good wishes of 59,000 BATs as the wind beneath your wings.  We are with you.

65 March 26 Check the Trump team’s plans, status and agenda.  List 3 things you want to respond to.

66 March 27 Check the BATs March Actions and see if any need follow-up.

67 March 28 Is there a local group that could help you with your sustenance? Delta Kappa Gamma, the League of Women’s Voters, your Union group, a Meet Up group you formed earlier? Hook up with them and schedule a support and strategizing day.

68 March 29 Wear your BAT shirt or insignia to the Grocery store, secretly hope someone asks you about it.

69 March 30 Do you sponsor a school group? There are ways to promote inter-cultural dialogue from having clubs that reach out within your own school to community outreach, to global.  Everything from intercultural panels after school to skyping  or doing hang outs on line with a groups across the globe.  There are many sources for finding partnering teachers around the world. Do an internet search to see what’s out there.  What better thing to do on a post-testing afternoon than chat with someone different than you?

70 March 31  If Donald Trump were a middle-schooler, how would you help him overcome his learning issues and social problems? Is there a way to reach him? If you can think of what works with a student, perhaps and e-mail to president using the same strategy?


71 April 1 - April Fools Trump was not elected and we have a Teacher Secretary of Ed! I wish!

72 April 2 Find out when the next PTSA meeting is for your school. Schedule to take treats and wear your BAT insignia.

73 April 3  Do you belong to a religious congregation or civic organization where you could set up a panel sharing with them the positive values and wonderful things about your school and class, maybe with a group of colleagues? Think about it.

74 April 4 Check the BAT page for month of April Actions. Calendar them into your calendar.

75 April 5  Take the next five days to look back over the first 75 days work and look for places work was started that needs follow up, or activities you skipped, but now seem to be workable.

76 April 6 #NationalWalkingDay - plan a walk in your community to highlight public education. Plan a walk to your state capital to bring attention to the issues that are in your state with legislative decisions surrounding public education.

77 April 7

78 April 8

79 April 9

80 April 10 - Passover begins - Check how are we protecting the most vulnerable in our school.  Brainstorm one positive you can do, and one negative you can help stop.

81 April 11 Some will be on holiday this week, the week before, or the week after.  Shift your political actions to fit with your holiday schedule.  Look up Anti-Racist materials that can fit in the school environment.

82 April 12 Send thank you notes to any legislators or policymakers who have helped or stood by our schools during this winter legislative and regulation season.

83 April 13 BAT shirt or paraphernalia day.  Wear your wings! Maybe in a place you would not normally be Loud and Proud!

84 April 14  Good Friday  BATs and Bunny day- Give BAT and Bunny Cookies to the Office staff at school. A BAT cookie cutter used often and with sprinkles is a great way to spread good will. (If you are off from school this day, move this activity ahead for when you get back.

85 April 15 Say thank you to the fellow activists who inspire you.  Let them know they do.

86 April 16 Easter Holiday - Enjoy Family.

87 April 17 Turn your attention to Washington, where do policy changes stand, and which ones are fellow Activist groups working.  Make a call or two, or show up somewhere.

88 April 18 Are you working a state candidate campaign, or a local school board or county board campaign? Give them a little time.

89 April 19  Take the next 5 days to Calendar the next 90-100 days,  Look at the School Board Calendar, The County Board Calendar, the State Legislative Calendar, and and State Dept of Ed special processes or projects.  Take your time do a little each day.

90 April 20  Reflect on your BAT Activist Progress during this time.  Perhaps share it on the BAT page.  Write up for yourself how increasing your activism has affected you and those around you.

91 April 21  Who is your favorite Journalist/Activist, Watch an Activist video or read a blog/article. Think about what you might say if you could speak to the people in power..

93 April 23 We are approaching or already into Evaluation Season, do you need help or can you give help on how to navigate the labyrinth? Find one thing you can do to lessen the stress for yourself or another. It may be letting someone kvetch, or showing them data collection systems that are easier, or adding ideas for minimizing the damage of assessment fever on the kids.  If someone is being bullied in your workplace, do what you can to support them.

94 April 24 This started out with Trump, Where is he now, and what might you do to effect his on-going plans? Check in and pick an action.

95 April 25 Have you done each of the BAT actions for April.  Do any of them need follow-up? Find time this week to attend to those.

96 April 26  How are your savings and plans for BAT Gathering in Seattle in July going? Have you firmed up your plans?

97 April 27 When was the last time you connected with a Social Justice group? Are there ones nearby or nationally that you have an affinity for or a connection to? Reconnect.

98 April 28

99 April 29 We are closing in on our final day -- Celebrate sometime this weekend all the work you’ve done.  Whether it has been moderately or fantastically successful, you have shown others that our kids are worth fighting for.  See friends, and pat yourselves on the back.

100 April 30 -  The first 100 days of the new Presidency are complete.  That doesn’t mean our Resistance is.  Wear the T-shirt or regalia of your choice that voices your resolve and determination to protect and defend the children of our nation and the world. It can be positive and benevolent or angry and defiant.  Call a friend and talk about how you feel. Good luck, here’s hoping we all are celebrating on this day.

Originally posted at:
Fell free to make yourself a copy and add actions yourselves. 

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