
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

BAT Admins Statement On Violence
The Badass Teachers Administration team would like to share our philosophy and mission towards combating racism and inequality in our country as well as in public education.  We are a team that believes this cannot be done with violence. We believe violence is counterproductive to social justice. We don't subscribe to that method nor will we ever. As educators, we strive daily to teach children to reach solutions without resorting to violence. We all live by these ideals in our personal lives and in our work. BATs do not subscribe to the use of violence as a strategy to combat racism and inequality, and we emphatically disavow any statements or actions that endorse that strategy.  We would like to add that police racial profiling and the many incidents of unchecked police brutality are violent forms of injustice. Non-violent protests of every kind must continue until justice is done. We want our students of color, and their families, to have justice and equality!  We will advocate for this until that happens. 

PA BAT and Leadership Team member Steven Singer, “Social justice is inimical to violence. You cannot seek justice for some while denying it to others.” Furthermore, AZ BAT and Leadership Team member Kathie Wing Larsyn states, “I have been an activist involved with non-violent protests since the 70s. I have spent hours training with organizations how to be a peace keeper, how to act when confronted with authority figures, and I want to state, as an admin in BATs, I do not condone violence. I support protesting against issues and firmly believe that the power of the people is still ours to use.” North Carolina BAT and Leadership Team member Maria Glass holds to the words of Ghandi, "Non co-operators will make a serious mistake if they seek to convert people to their creed by violence". NY BAT and Leadership Team member Terry Kalb, “BATs admins believe that non-violent civil disobedience has an honored place in the history of social justice movements.” Finally, CT BAT and Leadership Team member Dr. Yohuru Williams, "Those who advocate violence for whatever purpose miss the essential call to respect the dignity and worth of human life that is the foundation of social justice movements. The antidote to a disease can not be more of the disease. It must come in the form of a reimagined vision of justice that privileges life, along with liberty, and equality, before anything else."

In closing, we would like to repeat, BATs do not subscribe to the use of violence as a strategy to combat racism and inequality, and we emphatically disavow any statements or actions that endorse the use of violence. No justice, no peace. 

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