
Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Educational Delusional Scheme
by Dr. Denise Gordon                                 
November 22, 2014

I write this short essay to disclose what is happening within my own science classroom, I write to expose the demeaning work environment that I and my fellow colleagues must endure, and I write to give purpose to my years of acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge in teaching science for the secondary student. I am not a failure; however, by the Texas STAAR standard assessment test, I am since this past year I had a 32% failure rate from my 8th grade students in April, 2014. The year before, my students had an 82% passing rate.
What happened in one school year? It does not matter that 2/3 of the student population speaks Spanish in their home. It does not matter their reading capability could be on a 4th grade level. It does not matter homework never gets turned in and parent phone calls bring little results. What does matter was that my students were required to develop a yearlong research project by stating a problem, thinking of a solution, designing the experimental set up, collecting the required data, and formulating a conclusion. Some of the projects were good enough to enter into the regional science fair. From a selection of thirty-five projects, twenty-four were sent to the regional science fair. Some of these projects won ribbons and a chance to go to the state science fair competition. Five of my students were invited to participate in the elite Broadcom Master Science Competition. No other 8th grader in my school district achieved this accomplishment. Other yearlong projects involved entering the Future City Competition sponsored by the IEEE. My eighth graders had seven teams to compete and three came back with special awards. Another science competition for secondary students is eCybermission sponsored by the NSTA and the U.S. Army. My only team of girls who competed in this program won first place for the entire southern region of the eCybermission Competition.  Did any of my students get a thank you or congratulations from our school principal or the district about their science achievements? Sadly, the answer is a no. All I got was a call into the principal’s office at the end of the school year for the purpose of being pulled from teaching the 8th grade for the next school year due to my high failure rate on the state test.  My students and I did receive two thank you letters from two community partnerships. The Potters Water Action Group, represented by Richard Wukich and Steve Carpenter were thankful for our educational brochure that my students helped design for their water filtration project. Krista Dunham, Project Director of Special Olympics in Fort Worth, sent a thank you to my students for donating the soap box derby race money that my students organized and who built three scrap box cars for this worthy affair. 
I am now being monitored on a weekly basis within my 6th grade classes and their posted grades. I am required to have a 15% failure rate. All assignments must be pulled from the district’s online teaching schedule; therefore, no soap box races or water brochures this year. I am not allowed to take any of my students off campus for data collecting. Student project development does not flow well in the district school calendar, so I am being questioned by the principal about my scientific teaching philosophy. Action science with real world data is not on the district’s curriculum website. It does not matter that I have a Ph.D. in curriculum development. I must teach to the test since every three weeks all students will be taking a mandated district test. This means all teachers must review for the test, students take the test, and then we go over the test. That is three days out of fifteen teaching days dedicated to a test every three weeks.
Testing and retesting with documented lesson plans from the scheduled curriculum is what the district wants, but is it what the students need really to enjoy science? Our test scores are posted online and evaluated by the administration. Our performance on these tests weighs heavily into our yearly professional evaluation. I have been placed on a “growth plan” due to the fact that I teach what my students should know rather than what the district has posted. I am somewhat a rebel or just set in my ways; however, this growth plan gives the new principal her leverage to remove me from this school. If I do not meet her standards on the growth plan at the end of the year, then I must be relocated to another school. I teach my students math skills, writing skills, and research skills. I document this growth instead of monitoring their district test scores. I have been ordered to submit weekly announcements to the parent newsletter, but my submissions are deleted by the principal. I have been ordered to attend professional development at the level three tier within our district, but there is no level three offered because level three does not exist. I have been documented that 100% of my students do not understand my lessons when I teach because I use “big” words. The 100% came from asking two or three students in the classroom by the principal when she did her bimonthly walk throughs. I have been pulled out of teaching class to be reprimanded on my poor teaching practices rather than wait for my planning time. I must lower my standards and give less work if I am to maintain a 15% failure rate. Is this what the parents want? Will this prepare the students for high school?
I can no longer incorporate the arts within my assignments since my activities do not come from the district’s website. The current push for STEM should be the banner to wave inside my classroom since I have been a secondary science teacher for the past thirty years; however, I could not and we should not trade the arts and music for pure technical science and math course work. Creative problem solving with visual displays or performing arts can be demonstrated instead of just technology and engineering skills. Language arts would implement the importance of writing and research instead of just writing a basic lab report. When a student is allowed to decide on what he/she would like to study for their research project so many necessary skills are required. The student must speak and “sell” their project by presenting to outside judges at the regional science fair, designing skills are needed for the backboard, mathematical and technological skills are used for the data collection. The actual meaning of “science” comes from the Latin verb, scire, “to know” via knowledge gained by a study or a particular branch of study (Ayto, 1990). 
 To know encompasses all topics of interest and that is why I teach science bringing in all areas of skills and interests for the student to develop. This is not found on the district curriculum website. I want the student to be creative, to write, to sing, to explore, to draw, to decipher, and to act in order to gain “knowledge” through the sciences.
I firmly believe students should have a choice in their own curriculum of study, final assessment should come from a variety of skills displaying the student’s individual growth, and what is taught inside the classroom should be applied to help the local community and school partnerships.  My principal has cut my fifteen year commitment with community partnerships for the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, and the Fort Worth Science & History Museum by not approving any of my bus requests. Action science does not exist. Science education lies only in the classroom and on the district’s website. This is the educational delusion I must work in; a science classroom that is data driven to the point of paralysis and where students no longer experience real world problem solving projects. Retirement is my ticket out of this madness, but what will be the student’s ticket out?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Moment of Silence for Michael Brown

By:  Steven Singer

As it appeared on his blog
Michael Brown has been dead for more than 100 days.
Yet he was in my classroom this morning.
He stared up at me from 22 sets of eyes, out of 22 faces with 22 pairs of mostly Black and Brown childish cheeks.
The day after it was announced Missouri police Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted in the shooting death of the unarmed Black teen my class was eerily quiet.
There was no yelling.
No singing or humming or tapping either.
No one played keep away with anyone else’s pencil or laughed about something someone had said or done the night before.
No conversation about what so-and-so was wearing or arguments about the football game.
My first period class filed into the room and collapsed into their seats like they’d been up all night.
Perhaps they had been.
By the time the morning announcements ended and I had finished taking the 8th graders attendance, I had come to a decision.
I had to address it.
There was simply no way to ignore what we were all thinking and feeling. No way to ignore the ghost haunting our hearts and minds.
“May I ask you something?” I said turning to the class.
They just stared.
“Would you mind if we had a moment of silence for Michael Brown?”
I’ve never seen relief on so many faces all at once.
It was like I had pulled a splinter from out of 22 pairs of hands with a single tug.
The White teacher was going to acknowledge Black pain. In here, they wouldn’t have to hide it. They could be themselves.
Some mumbled affirmatives but most had already begun memorializing. There had been silence in their hearts since last night. Silence after the rage.
How else to deal with a reality like ours? Young men of color can be gunned down in the street and our justice system rules it isn’t even worth investigating in a formal trial. The police are free to use deadly force with impunity so long as they tell a grand jury they felt threatened by their unarmed alleged assailant. And if a community can’t control its anger and frustration, it’s the oppressed people’s fault.
These are bitter pills to swallow for adults. How much harder for the young ones just starting out?
So we bowed our heads in silence.
I’ve never heard a sound quit like this emptiness. Footsteps pattered in the hall, an adult’s voice could be heard far away giving directions. But in our room you could almost hear your own heart beating. What a lonely sound, more like a rhythm than any particular note of the scale.
But as we stood there together it was somehow less lonely. All those solitary hearts beating with a single purpose.
I made sure to do this in all of my classes today.
The first thing I did was make this same request: “Do you mind if we have a moment of silence for Michael Brown?”
They all agreed.
In most classes this became a springboard for discussion. No grades, no lesson plans, just talk.
We talked about who Brown was and what had happened to him. We talked about the grand jury and the evidence it had considered. We talked about what their parents had told them.
And as you might expect, speaking about Brown was like a séance inviting a long line of specters into our classroom – Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Emmett Till, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – fathers, brothers, classmates.
Some groups talked more than others. Some students spoke softly and with an eloquence beyond their years. Many only shook their heads.
One boy asked me, “Why does this keep happening, Mr. Singer?”
It was the question of which I had been most afraid. As a teacher, it’s always uncomfortable to admit the limits of your knowledge. But I tried to be completely honest with him.
“I really don’t know,” I said, “But let’s not forget that question. It’s a really good one.”
Every class was different. In some we spent a long time on it. In others, we moved on more quickly.
But in each one, I made sure to look into their eyes – each and every one – before the moment ended.
I didn’t say it aloud, but I wanted them to know something.
We live in an uncertain world. There are people out there who will hate you just because of the color of your skin. They will hate you because of your religion or your parents or whom you love.
But in this room, I want you to know you are safe, you are cherished and you are loved.
I hope they understand.
For me this is not just an academic concern. It’s personal.
I have devoted my life to those children.
Some of my colleagues say that I’ve gone too far. That what happened to Michael Brown and issues of racism aren’t education issues, they aren’t things that should concern teachers.
If not, I don’t know what is.
Our society segregates public schools into Black and White. It defunds the Black schools, closes them and funnels the wastrels into privatized for-profit charters while leaving the best facilities and Cadillac funding for the elite and privileged.
And we allow it. Our deformed society leads to deformed citizens and a deformed parody of justice.
My room may be haunted. I teach among the ghosts of oppression. But that’s the thing about phantoms. They demand their due – honesty.
It’s all I have to give.

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Administrators of the Badass Teachers Association Denounces Decision of Ferguson Grand Jury!

The Administration of the Badass Teachers Association denounces the decision of the Ferguson Grand Jury not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the killing of Michael Brown. The decision and actions of officials, at all levels in Ferguson since the shooting, reflect what we feel to be a gross insensitivity to the legitimate demands for transparency, understanding and justice, as expressed by the local community in Ferguson and the wider community, black, brown and white, across the country. Michael Brown was someone’s child, a beloved student, and a valued community member of Ferguson.
The failure to indict must not be the end of the issues raised by the killing of Michael Brown, nor should it be an excuse for further repression of the peaceful outrage this failure of justice will provoke. The real issues of economic inequality, police brutality, and institutionalized racism are a national shame. Failure to confront these issues in Ferguson only adds fuel to the fire of continued injustice everywhere.
The BATs Administration demand Federal Civil Rights charges be immediately brought against Officer Wilson and demand the Justice Department immediately launch investigations into the actions and policies of the Ferguson Police, including hiring protocols, training and procedures, as well as investigation into the actions and processes of local and state officials, with regard to the denial of First and Fourteenth amendment rights.
BATs stand in solidarity with the Ferguson community, children, and teachers!
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. " ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday, November 21, 2014

Massachusetts BAT Testifies at Philly Hearing on High Stakes Test
By:  Gus Morales

I want to preface my following statement by saying how adamantly opposed to high-­‐stakes testing, standardized curriculum, standardized learning, and the idea that all children can be assessed using the same measure. To paraphrase Albert Einstein: Standardizing the production of automobiles is a good thing, but to standardize human beings is to walk a dangerous path.

All over Massachusetts you see bumper stickers touting my state as the leader of the pack when it comes to standardized testing. For better or worse, we are the envy of all other states because we do testing better than anyone else. And I can’t stand it. But even if you use the rigorous standard put forth by the Rote-­‐minded Robot Reformers, that the way to measure and hold teachers accountable is through the austere path of high-­‐stakes testing, Massachusetts is tops. And what exactly is the reward for the teachers that have lived up to the expectations of the Testing Machine? Lifelong probationary status is what they get for their service.

You see, in the infinite wisdom of those who either have never in their lives taughor those who have spent too little time in the classroom to develop an appreciation for the art of instruction, the idea is to tie student test scores not only to teacher evaluations, but to their licensure as well. What does this mean for the teachers in my state and other states where this is being proposed? In no uncertain terms, this will cause an exodus. Teaching has always been difficult and there were times where personalities clashed and someone was let go and went to a different district. While this proposal was defeated due to strong opposition in Massachusetts, if this is allowed to pass in any state, teachers won’t just lose their job, they will lose their license and with it their ability to teach in their respective state.

Already I have to deal with teachers telling me on a daily basis that they just can’t do it anymore. I have spouses of teachers telling me that they can’t do it anymore. I have teachers telling me that they have anxiety attacks at school. They tell me that they are taking medication to go to school, more at lunch to get through the day, and more at home to be able to function in their own homes. Why should anyone give a damn about how teachers are doing? Why should anyone care that we will see a rise in the attrition rate of educators? Why should anyone care that teachers are under attack?

To put it simply, the teachers’ working conditions are the students’ learning conditions. I am the President of the Holyoke Teachers Association in Holyoke, MA. I couldn’t be more proud to be from Holyoke and to represent some of the greatest teachers to ever hold a teacher’s manual. Apply some simple logic to this situation and understand that to make a teacher’s life miserable is tantamount to assuring that teacher cannot be successful. The two are inextricable. One’s condition depends on the other’s condition.

Let us not fall victim to the widespread lies being cast about teachers’ unions being the thing that holds black and Latino children from excelling. To illustrate this, why not look at the performance of states with strong unions and those without and see

if in fact it is the unions that are holding progress back. Or, and I suppose I am going out on a limb here, we could discuss the incredulous disparities in funding and extracurricular activities from the haves and the have-­‐nots. Even Bill Green, chairman of the School Reform Commission, during yesterday’s Education Funding Hearings, admitted that Philadelphia schools were not being adequately funded to appropriately meet the needs of children living in poverty and English Language Learners. Maybe that conversation is just too difficult to have and it is just easier to cancel all the teachers contracts and put the blame squarely on their shoulders.

I think what we really have to talk about, what we really need to get into, is the undiagnosed mental condition of a nation thats lost its mind. This country suffers from a delusion that testing will somehow narrow the achievement gap. We are afflicted with a disorder that makes us think that the children of this great nation  are just going to soak it all up, show some GRIT, and have that happy ending promised so long ago. I am Puerto Rican. I grew up in a city that is full of Puerto Ricans. For the last three years I taught in the same city I grew up in. The rigor” that I hear so much about is the same venom that has poisoned my schools.

Listen to me when I tell you this because it is something I have said time and time again, but I’m not sure the people hearing me are understanding what it is I mean to say: were this the environment, the culture of schools when I was growing up, I would have dropped out. Of that I am certain. I don’t treat my students with a “no excuses” attitude because a lot of the time I wonder how any of us would do in some of the situations that my students face?

I truly believe that most people would crumble under the weight that these kids bear. They come in tired. They come in hungry. They come in with emotional issues that shake my core as a human being. They come with stories so sad that it becomes hard to have happy moments. And still they show up every single day. So, you’ll forgive me if I, along with the great teachers of Philadelphia, don’t put any stock in your tests and your metrics. What I see in front of me is a child. Not a test score. Not a data point. But a real, live human being.

Conscientious objector is a phrase that refers to a person who refuses to serve in the armed forces or to bear arms on moral or religious grounds. 

We know that we are in the middle of a war, fighting for our schools and our students. One of the tolls in this war is the implementation of high stakes testing. These tests are like weapons, based upon the knowledge that these tests do not accurately measure educational achievement, but are more truly a measurement of the economic characteristics of the student. Today, decisions are being made to divert funds from numerous programs and appropriate staffing levels as districts are rushing to meet technology requirements and implement test practice programs. This money could be better used to increase staffing levels to allow for better student to teacher ratios, implement new programs that increase cultural and global awareness, create services that support the needs of the whole child, and renovate existing school structures that are in desperate need of repair.
The amount of stress that our students are under has become overwhelming and our schools are becoming less able to help that. As educators it is our moral responsibility to become a shield for our children and protect them from the people that seek to manipulate their education to personally profit at their expense. We have the moral obligation to become conscientious objectors as we remember our responsibility to our students.
As employees of our schools districts we realize that we are contractually obligated to perform certain tasks upon direction of the administration. However, we would like to formally state our objection to administering these high stakes tests to our students. We, the Badass Teachers Association which is an association of 52,000 people fighting to save public education,  would like to proclaim that we are doing so under extreme duress.

Please visit here for teachers who have refused testing or made statements of objection nationwide

Terry Kalb

Lori Brogan

Michael Dixon

Jim Sommerville

Elisabeth Harbaugh

Kelly Ann Braun

Melissa Tomlinson

Marla Kilfoyle

Shari Palermo Sloane

Shannon Secrist Cummings

Donna Yates Mace

Kelly Leigh

Diana Bennett

EJ Savage Kelly

Bobbie Jo Brimhall DiFabio

Sharon Ann

Donita Reese

Linda Nutile

Dianne Rogers Barnard

Joan Kramer

A Michelle Navarro

Patti Knowles

Deborah S. Staires, Ed.D.

Jenny Twardowski

Lynne Siqueiros

Robert LaRue

Donna Youdelman

Jane Morrison Snage

Cheryl Brisendine-Pavkovich

Wendy Wager

Daniel Santos

Kathleen Larsyn m.ed., m.c.

Regina Krystine Iannizzotto

Cathy McPherson Huff

Lynn Boddy

John P Cobb

Ann Mason Kurta

Paula Meyer

Jan Hayden Well

Dawn Neely Randall

Nicole Spry.

Lori Lalama

Emily Gomez Olsen

Christine DiBartolo Pellegrino

Lynne Van Bebber Rerucha

Nancy Cromer

Stephanie Meyer

Donna Bernens-Kinkead

Maureen O'Driscoll

 Kathleen Sannicks-Lerner

Anne Strader

Paul Matthew Chonka

Debbie Kadon

Sue Goncarovs

Gina Jeanne Damone

Lesa Aloan Wilbert

Becky Kleinhenz

Steven Singer

Maria O'Keefe Lauer

Peggy Anderson

Mimi Attleson

Rose Aldaghi

Betty Kossik

Heidi Baumeister Mee

Karen Decker

Steven Greenfield

Jesus Chuy Campuzano

Kathleen McInerney

Kristie Voltin-Williams

Hillary Procknow

Tina Thompson

Susan Elizabeth-Marsh Tanabe

Lee-Ann Pepper Nolan

Hyddyr Caradoc

Susan Fischer

Cheryl McKinley

Julianna Krueger Dauble

Debbie Krous

Jeffrey N. Woods

Lisa Mayfield

Daryn Martin

Kathy Cerky

Rafael Alvarez

Alex Jurgelevicius

Abelardo Garcia

Mindy Matijasevic

Amy Hepburn

Samantha Carr

Kathleen Flanagan

Jannike Johnsen

Maggie Crowe Kelly

Shelley Amaro

Yarissa Ramos

Donald A. Smith

Charlotte Rovelstad

Suzette Rene

Kathy Siegenthaler


Dawn Peragallo

Aixa Rodriguez

Debbie Fish

Rosemary Pearce

Eric Olson

Margie Skandera Adkins

Rick Rennard

Beth Dimino

Kathy Ebeling McCann

Andy Mitchell

Meme Davis

Polly White Jennings

Marianne Hahn Ciuffetelli

Angela Valinski

Christina Marie

Rita Cassady

Maggie Robillard

Kate Kelly

Christina James Ramirez Mooney

Celia Rowland

Carol Fern Culhane

Jackie Hilderbrand Kook

Connie Macedo LaBonte

Stephanie Geraci Hammer

Elizabeth Ritter Sobel

Linda Stimpson

Brittany Alexander

Ellen Moreau

Lynn Fedele

Joel Elrod Melsha

Carole Kuehl

Dana Lorentz

Deb Escobar

Jeremy Dudley

Kristi Jackson

Charlene Caputo-Kahse

Margret Bower

Najma Landis

DeeAnn Eubanks Pochedly

Marla Pollack

Terri L. Cunningham

Beverly Wolfkill

Cathy Takayoshi

Michelle Cohn, M.Ed.

 Sue Patch-Sweenzy

Patricia Gallagher

Amy Louise Glanzman

Maya Gomez

Caro Line

Amanda Marier

Jennifer Mueller

Beth Oburn

Din Borcas

Cyndi Carter-Pelosi

Donna Kenyon

Jan Rowan Spohn

Glenda Shaver

Akira Bear

Allyson Brodsky Matwey

Sharonann Katcher

Charlotte Sullivan McAllister

Portia Lowery

Hannah JoanneMorgan

Pamela Verity

Cristina Angelica

Terry Preuss

Sarah Hesselgrave Swift

Barbara Pichney Rothman

Aminah Na'im

Patricia Lamarre

William Ames Prather

Carol Nesbitt Singletary

Erica J. Rewey

Lorri Gumanow

Shellie Bowker Reed

Erika Strauss Chavarria

Amy Poe

Barbie Perry

John McTigue

Warren Fremling

Angela Paar

Marti Gilley Smith

Paula Ifft McGirr

Dolly Dwornick

Demick Marion

Maria Glass

Carl Petersen

Sue Solomon

Karen Wolfe

Debbie Cottrell Dermady

Vanja Suvajac

Nathan Mitchell

Sheila Resseger

Kim Cosmas

Roberta Reid

Michelle Murphy Ramey

Vanessa Walling-Sisi VWS

Janel Jackson-Lefebvre

Zachary Anderson

Jim Lindsey

Priscilla Sanstead

Jill Sipe

Andrea Gudal

Deborah Lee-Cheatam

Judie Haynes

Maureen Keeney

Jacki Spilker Cohen

Heather Poland

 Mark Hänser, Ed.M

Patricia Terrell

Tracy Thomas Clifton

Julie Kay Wittler-

Anita Inman Banes

Dee Esser

George Sheridan

Christy Christopher

Kathleen Reinhardt-Andrews

Marguerite Madeleine

Maureen Keeney

Kathleen McInerney

Kei Swensen

David Lynch Topitzer

Kimberly Trierweiler

William Dwyer

Lisa Gerlich

Larry Graykin

Brandy Judkins

Celia Gunter Decker

Carmen R. Andrews

Mirian Parces

William Miles

Daliz Vasquez

Casey Albertson Ohlsson

Michelle Mericle Ussery

Delphia Mason add me

Catherine A. Hesler

Cindi Thomas

Robin E.

Jackie Conrad

Scott Fabert-Church

Paul C Voas

Candi McGuire

Nicole Marie

Kathy Negrey

Georgia Smee

Linda Cade Carrillo

Tiffany Schonewill

Robin Edwards

Patricia Mary O'Connor

Nea Hispanic-Caucus Newspage

Alec Timmerman

Melissa Volpe Solomon

Laurie Gabriel

Scott Benyacko

Rebecca Armstrong

Daniel Edward

Jamy Brice Hyde

Diane Ower

Haley Crittenden Gordon

Abby Schuck

Christine Jewell Bernard

Robin Jordan

Brenda Miller Bauer

Ellen Weidert Klemm

Elizabeth Taylor-Martinez

Ralph Fortune

Denice Canale Rokicki

Nina Crawford

Maria Immediato

Sandy Goodwick

Mita Vogel

Matt Prestbury

Maria Cotto Gargano

Anne Logan Add me!

Trisha Marchesseau

Becca Ritchie

Sharon Ann Clark

Erin Larkin Foster

Patrice Palmer

Karen Rosa

Ginger Bridgewater Cunningham

Kathie Wing Larsyn

 Suze St John

Susan St. John

Lori Britt Lori Britt

Erin Rafferty-Warner

Kathleen Hagans Jeskey

Elaine Lombardi

Rod Schnaar

Greg Weiss

Tina Lageson

Shannon Smith


Cher Stein

Pj Zive

Will Daniel

Karen Hosinski Payton

Eileen McBarcurlowley

Kelly Gonia-Javorek

Tiffany Benningfield Dunn

Paula Tipton

Marci Weber Ramirez

Patti Ferguson Palmer   

Judy Dinkel

Lena Condic

Debra L. Rusnak

Elizabeth Vann-Clark

Karen Adlum

Lori Hirsch Walton

Ellen Simonis

David Sudmeier

 Angela Paar

Delight Hockman

Jillian Caci

Elizabeth Ten Dyke

Stephanie O'Rourke

Susan Wampler Dommer

Sandy Ryan

Ayra Stark

Tina Annucci

Laura Farrelly

Dana Marie

Ryan Leonard

Alison Dobrick

Judy Adams

Jean Klimczyk

Jennifer Lee Hall

Robin Fancy

Joanna Emerle Kotecki
Marci Weber Ramirez
Janna Siegel Robertson Cheri Rockey Rourke
Mary Norris Barela
Kim Martinez
Julie Knighten
Allison M. Shipe
Jennifer Fatone
Kathy Conway Holbrook
Sheryl Silcox
Mary Carr Dicker
William Cala
Joanne Yarin
Brendan Jarvis
Cherie Fulle-Schneider
Beth Howard Hall
Lorri Cahill
Martha Mulcahy
Stefanie Paul
Brenda Moran Schaefer
Cherie Fulle-Schneider
Lisa Smith
Lisa Battani Szymanski
Paula Johnson
Rachel Rowen
Cheyenne Ortiz 
Michelle Behnfeldt
Mark Wilensky
Kelly Rossi
Steve Saullo
Greg Laurich
Lauren Coodley
Kristen Cardona
Penny Reed
Christine Lamattina
Tom Ferguson
Gail Lafler
Michelle Shireen Cronin
Susan Schall
Sheila Resseger
Casey Albertson Ohlsson
Susan Loftus
Lydia Pritchard Lewis
Carol Albanese
Evelyn Shields
Lucy Oeming Malacos
Lisa DiRenzo Englert
Violet Jiménez Sims
Sheila Tyree
Lee-Ann Pepper Nolan
Tara Thorne
Jane Balvanz
Jennifer Elliott
Theresa Spiros
Catherine Kuplast Wedge
Lina Lynch
Candi McGuire
Mindy Matijasevic
Darlene Estep Massey
Konstantine Kyriacopoulos
Linda K Eastman
Melissa Wadsworth-Miller
Jason Lee O'Brien
Jessica Cooley-Ordóñez
Jeannie Fitzgerald Waters
David Cunningham
Brenda McPeeks
Dana Marie
Sue Doherty
Jennifer Dorsey
John Cain
Cari Minus
Lea E. Campbell
Kathy Anderson
Michelle VanLieshout
Rebecca McAlary
Amy Bahena-Ettner
Julie Knapp Burgett
Jonathan Marceau
Tracy Maples Eddins
Holly Muenchow
Rania Fowler
Lesa Aloan Wilbert
Jackie Phillips
Laura Gilligan
Merrie Wolf
Jennifer Mandell Hinderstein
Michelle Byers
Rachelle Ruge-Bernard
Rebecca Teal
Michael Warholak
Shannon Secrist Cummings
Liz Lauter
Geraldine Hayes
Gretchen Engelbright Kubeny
Becca Ritchie
Brigid Moran Cruickshank
Jo McKim
Karen Glennon
Susan Horton Polos
Tobey Shulman
Cheryl Matas  

Celene Waite Sessions
Cheryl Samson Denton
Mary Meredith Drew
Ruth Zackowitz Hartman
Elaine Lombardi
Tim Murphy
Stephen Perkins
Coleen Bondy
Seth Altman
Daliz Vasquez
Susan Cohen McAulay
Lynne Milner
Gail Koskela
Myles Hoenig
Sonya Conner
Shannon Essler-Petty
Katherine Delaney
Tina Thompson
Lauren Kane Mattone
Jojo Tron
Joel Elrod Melsha
Marsha Griffin
Donna Gregoire Tomasko
Eleano J. Bader
Terri Graham
Keith Wayne Hausman
Jennifer Rumsey
Bill Adamsky
Yvonne Kimberly Avery Boswell
Tiffany Bhavnani
Justin S. Williams
Donna Reynolds
Molly Manthey
Ralph Fahnestock
Susan Murolo Soldano
Adam Silver
Heather Rollins-Chappel
Lea Benson
Sheila Reed
Maritza Gallegos
Pamela Casey Nagler
Lindsay Boylan
Beth Forrester
Julie Fleming Wright
Maggie Gryciuk
Robert Halczyn
Ferial Pearson
Carla Novak Gish
Donna Yates Mace
Kristin Vogel
Ruth Jones
Carrie Preston
Yirusha Eshet Malkiel
Ingrid Utke
Mitzi Lea Hall
Julie Schuberth
Melissa Hicks
Deb Greene
Danielle Lanza-Flora
Natalie S. Corvino
Bobby Hechler
Christopher Naze
Kelley DeTrolio
Kelly Anderson
Lenora Peyton
Charlene Caputo-Kahse
Christine Roedig Gentile
Elizabeth Diane Krolczyk
Tammy Smith Karn
Gus Morales
Robyn J. Valdizon
Kate McConachie Lin
Elaine Cooper
Beth Glazer Schettino
Steven Kieley
Susan Feiner
Kimberly Welch Livaudais
Lynnette Krieger-Zook
Debbie Reddick
Michelle Klein
Betsy Marshall
Joyce Lewis
David Lynch Topitzer
Debbie Grill
Chris Cox
Stephanie O’Rourke
Lisa Bakely
Eve Hava
Karen Mary Klenke
Denise Laich
Lisa Harris
Joan C. Grim
Stacy Elizabeth Holcombe
Kevin Mcnamara
Nikki Kershaw
Sue Mueller Hoyt
Terry Pruess

Joanna Emerle Kotecki